Almost anyone, at any age, can do some type of physical activity. You can still exercise even if you have a health condition like heart disease, arthritis, chronic…
Is Your Diet Aging You?
What you put on your plate might affect what you see in the mirror. But a few tweaks to your dining habits can go a…
What Older Adults Can do to Manage Medications
There are several steps you can take to lower your chances of overmedication and negative reactions to medicines. Keep the following tips in mind for…
Aging Parents: 8 Warning Signs of Health Problems
Concerned about your aging parents’ health? Use this guide to gauge how your aging parents are doing — and what to do if they need…
5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp as You Age
Important parts of the brain tend to atrophy as we get older—yet brain scans of some 70-year-olds resemble those of 20 to 30-year-olds. Emerging research points to…
We’re Celebrating!
Hilltop Reserve is excited to announce that we’re opening up our community to families and guests who have been vaccinated. This will allow us to…